
Random Act Of Kindness Day 2020

Random Act Of Kindness Day 2020

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around” – Leo Buscaglia

February 17th is officially ‘Random act of kindness day’, and we wanted to take some time to reflect on the community work we have been involved in throughout the last year or so – and highlight some of the charitable causes we have met along the way.

For those of you who are familiar with Innes & Mackay, you may be aware of our strong stand on fundraising and giving back to the local community where we can. 

To work within the roles that we do here, it is a given that the team are of a kind and caring disposition. And we try to spread kindness in all the work we do, with our clients and out with our normal working roles – through our community based, philanthropic work.

We have serviced the Highlands of Scotland through our solicitors, and estate agency for over 145 years now, and without the custom and loyalty of our client base – this wouldn’t have been possible.

Therefore, the team are always on the lookout for opportunities and ways to give back and thank the communities for their continued support.

2019 saw us help a number of individual fundraising efforts, as well as sponsoring some of the larger-scale events that take place throughout the year.

From sponsoring the youngest ever Ness Factor contestant Jordan Morrison, sponsoring Highland Heroes community champion of the year award for the second year running, and joining the Young Highland Awards for the first time as ‘Young Carer’ award sponsor – we had a busy year!

Recently we enjoyed a ‘hot roll’ morning on behalf of Children’s Hospice Across Scotland, and also went ‘bright for the fight’ in aid of Muscular Dystrophy UK, and Leos Pride.

We are in the fortunate position to also sponsor some incredible individuals, including Lucas Cameron who has big dreams of becoming a Formula 1 race car driver, and Cian McAllister who has aspirations to become a footballer – and is currently taking part in training with Ross County’s under 12s football academy.

We will continue to support local charities and individuals throughout the next year and look forward to seeing where the next year of support will take us!

Cecilia Grigor
Author: Cecilia Grigor

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