Cromarty Cinema has opened its doors after 2 years of planning and fundraising efforts.
Cromarty and Resolis Film Society and the Cromarty Film Festival led the project that now sees the 35-seat cinema, one of the smallest in the Highlands, come to fruition.
Jane Young, Director at Innes & Mackay, became aware of the project and the sponsorship opportunities and it felt right for us to get involved. Community work and support has always been and continues to be extremely important to the team.
Tanya Karblebach, Cromarty and Resolis Film Society enthused, “We’re delighted to have the support of various individuals and organisations such as Innes & Mackay who sponsored a star which now hangs in our Box Office.
This support contributed to our overall project budget but is also an important part of making sure that the cinema reflects the community.”
We are very happy to have assisted in sponsorship of the community cinema and are proud to see our ‘Innes & Mackay’ star hanging up alongside several other generous well-wishers and sponsors.
We wish both Cromarty and Rosolis Film society and the Cromarty Film Festival the very best of luck with the continued success of their Cinema project.